Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hawaiian zest!

Heyhey,think of a fruit when u cme across the word "hawaiian".
PINEAPPLE!thats right;-) i don't know whats the exact name for this cubby thing but from direct translation of 'huang li su' it means pineapple crunch.
Thick pineapple jam inside the buttery cookie skin.a lil bit salty,crumby outside;tender,soft&sweet(not too sweet) inside.
freshness&quality guaranteed.eaten with coffee,tea or milk will be a great start for a day;-)
P/s:its bought in taiwan.malaysian version will be slightly sweeter

Friday, September 19, 2008

Miss the greens

I've already been staying at the hostel for 3 months.if u ask me what i miss the most,definitely the greens!fresh ones!coecidently 'sushi king' at sabah is having promotion for garden salad.tried soba(buckwheat noodles) salad.soba on the top of lots of freshly cut,watery,cute looking veges eaten with citrus flavored dressing.the one at the back is what my grandma call it 'mo dao'.its her own language.haha.because she can't pronounce 'mao dou'(hairy beans) properly.erm,they all taste gd for a veggie lover like me&maybe its because i'd missed out so many meals with greens.its now the payback time!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

8inhes burger!

It may look like i'm faking but its true.8 inches diameter,4 inches thick,2 inches thick juicy patty,riverful of cheese with a bliss of mustard's sour&spiciness cover on the refreshing lettuce + sliced tomato.surrounding the burger is the homemade fries.2 thumbs up!best burger i ever had!super 'new york new york'.gotta check it out;-)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Newly hatched

Saw the yellow spots on the black squares?they r newly born catfish babies.they carry a yellow color yolk sac at their stomach.its their food.they depend fully on it before they can eat.catfish larvae(babies) r very cute.u can hardly see them since they r almost transparent but if u pay enough attention on them,u can see those larvae with long barbles but still carrying yolk sacs.just like milk sucking human babies with mexican long curly moustach.funny isn't it

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I dare u

Look at the bun's looks lighter as its in the picture.its more&more GREENer in the if u saw it in front of u.i dare u to stare at it&stuck it into ur mouth.i dare u!
Why?why r there still people buying&eating such food with such horrible color.if its given free then maybe ok since we'r nt encouraged to waste food.
Some people suggest that fast food should be banned since its SO unhealthy but what about these buns with Xtreme cancer causing colorings&Xtra sugar?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The hectic hours

I'm suppose to have class at 8am but i just got the bus at 8am.anyway,its ok since our teacher is also the 'slumber' type.
8am=hectic time in my usual,the bus is so doesn't feel good to be the last person to get into the bus coz u will stick on the door&will flung out once the door is opened.gotta be careful.
It takes 10mins for me to reach the lecture room(30mins if walk).see,lecturer wasn't there yet.he walked in when we just started to suspect whether there'll be class or not&just about to leaveB-)
Bla,bla,bla for 1hr.lecture should be a 2hrs lecture yet he manage to finish early although entered late.he makes me realize how good it is to be a lecturer.short working time,high pay,easy&yet respected.hmm...interesting

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


heard of biogist,dentist&even racist but what the heck is ichthyologist is?never heard it before.
Thats my future professional will be to do research bout FISHEs.
Fishes?whats so special bout'em till theres a specific profession to study&do research on them?heres sth that i guarantee u don't know before of fish species is more than the sum of all other vertebrates!
See,we homo sapiens are only a minority of vertebrates yet doctor is so highly demand y fishes don't deserve?